Our golden jubilee Durga Puja will be performed for the first time by a lady Purohit, Dr Sumitra Mitra from Kolkata. We are delighted and very honoured that she has kindly agreed to perform the Puja. A short introduction to Dr Mitra below:
Dr Sumitra Mitra is a retired Professor and the Head of Dept in History at the prestigious Vidyasagar College in Kolkata. With a long and illustrious career spanning over 26 years she carved out a name for herself in the field of History and did her doctorate in the Freedom movement of the people of Manbhum area of India.
A highly inquisitive & deeply religious mind, Dr Mitra has delved into the roots of Indian philosophy & essence of Hinduism and & published over 20 books. Her biographical presentation on Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Ma Sarada Sri Chandi have found their places in the libraries of Ramakrishna Institute of culture, Joyrambati and Kamarpukur. For the past 12 years Dr Mitra regularly gave lectures on “Astabokro Samhita” and “Shetashwatara Uponisadh” at the Ramakrishna Mission Institute Golpark, her classes are regularly attended by all sectors of community including the monks at the mission. Her passion for theology and religious scriptures inspired her to learn rituals essential to perform Puja, including 5 day Durga Puja at home and abroad. A regular face at Kolkata Dooradarshan presenting “Kathakatha” a unique composition of music, poetry and stories of compiled and delivered in a way that’s easy to understand and follow. In 2018, she was awarded the prestigious “Umaprasad Award” for her literary achievements. A deeply knowledgeable scholar, writer, orator, an authority on Indian philosophy & culture, a Mum and a grandmother, Dr Mitra is an exceptional personality. We are delighted that she has committed herself to perform Durga Puja for Wales Puja Committee’s Golden Anniversary Durga Puja celebration